Check your requisite eMail Warning!

danger iconLatest batch of infected emails received today have a subject of Check your requisite and have a size of approx 31Kb with the content being

Good morning
Could You please check your requisite details under the contract #5yyx0U

Where the characters after the hash (#) are random but match the file name of the attached, and infected, zip file which in fact will contain an auto running exe file. If you open it, you'll infect your computer to send out even more of this infected rubbish. The four I've received so far have all being from domains, alledgedly.

Don't open the emails, never ever click on the infected attachments, simply delete and never preview. If you receive unsolicted attachments to emails, delete them, if you know the person sending them, contact them directly, not through reply to email, and ask if they have sent you this email.
